V-Show Is Back!
January 18, 2023

Variety show practice has already started, kicking off the official beginning of this year’s V-Show season. This year is the 56th consecutive show, marking this as one of Lincoln’s longest and most celebrated traditions. As the name suggests, there is a lot of variety, and there is something for everyone, from dance, to music, to comedy.
Additionally, behind the scenes, we have tireless backstage and tech crews work to make sure that the show goes on smoothly. Of course, the entire show would not be possible without the coordination of this year’s director and assistant director of show, Matt Connors and Cameron Surmeian respectively. They help lead every single ensemble, each of which has its own separate director.
Anyone can audition to join an ensemble, and last week during lunch, students were invited to sign up for any events that interest them. Everyone goes through an audition and interview process led by that group’s director, and once all positions are finalized, practices start in January. However, the content is super secret, so do not expect to be able to find out too much about the specifics.
A lot of work and time goes into this amazing show, so do not forget to keep a lookout for the final performance dates. It’s definitely something you do not want to miss!