The Incredible Comfort of Spirit Week’s “Adam Sandler Day”


Gwen McNulty

The masked man is alive…through the spirit of Adam Sandler.

Camila Tabora, Lion´s Roar Staff

Since 1990 when a young Adam Sandler joined the cast of Saturday Night Live!  the unassuming comic has become an icon, not just because of his incredible film career, but also surprisingly enough, for his ‘style’, if it can be called that.

Considered a ‘fashion antihero’ by Esquire, Sandler’s outfits are classically recognizable by their baggy silhouette, complete with sweatpants or knee-length basketball shorts, strange footwear, and long socks, and lack of color coordination, sometimes even with the inclusion of a childish superhero motif.

Of course, this is due to his carefree nature. When asked about what drives him to wear what he does, he’s remarked, “It’s all comfort and it’s a lot of ‘Hopefully this fit.’”

During this year’s spirit week, Sandler’s fashion ethos took Lincoln High School by storm, inspiring the student body to follow in his footsteps. It definitely has been a very comfortable day, and even the mood seems more relaxed. Maybe he’s on to something, and at any rate, it’s been a very enjoyable spirit day theme.